Version 12 New Features

  • New Feature: Custom Notes. You can now right click on empty area of most screens to add a note to it. The note appears in the form of clickable button on that page.
  • New Option: At sign-in, the software can ask the student whether to report the visit to the instructor. If yes, the visit will show up in a special report that gets automatically sent to the instructor.
  • General: Made activity<-> Lab ID a many-to-many relationship. This means that you can now assign the same course to multiple centers running on the same database. You no longer have to duplicate your courses for each center!
  • General: Added support for encrypted / secure SMTP server. This means you can now use services like Gmail for your center's communications.
  • General: Added support to a new texting (SMS) service. This service charges less than 1 cent per message for text messaging!
  • General: Ability to set the drop-down filter defaults. Simply push the new pin to save your selection.
  • Sign-in: Control over font size of sign-out confirmation message (you can make it larger).
  • Sign-in: Added support for fixed sign-in fields. You can now pre-set any of the following fields so when a student signs in, its value is automatically assigned: Category, Activity, Service Type, Instructor, and Tutor
  • Modify Student and Modify Tutor: If there is an attachment for that student, an attachment icon is displayed on the button.
  • Intake System (waiting list): Added a lab ID filter so only students waiting for that center are shown on the list.
  • Intake System paging: Instead of student signing in to waiting list and waiting in that room, the student can now go to the library, cafeteria, or outside. When the student is next in line the software will send an SMS to the student's cell (text messaging) to notify to get back.
  • Intake System: Ability to customize the message 'you are now in line. Please wait in the area until name is called".
  • Survey Manager: Option of having the survey automatically come up at log-in instead of log-out.
  • Survey Manager: Ability to select the students you want to survey when they sign in (e.g. only the students that are enrolled in 060 Math)
  • Reports: New report for the session questionnaire filled out by the tutors.
  • Reports: Added a graph that shows the peak number of visitors during each hour (as opposed to number of arrivals per hour).
  • Student Contact: When entering Student Contact information, the Reason and Contact Type will be auto completed from previous entries.
  • Workshops: Added a report that shows workshop stats.
  • Appointments: Ability to repeat an appointment.
  • Appointments: Ability to change tutor within an existing appointment
  • Appointments: Ability to change the location within an existing appointment.
  • Appointments Central: Added display of appointment notes when right click on the appointment.
  • Appointments: Added the Appointment Note to the appointment email template
  • Media: Added a new option: "All media must be returned by" date.
  • Service Types: Is now dependent on the lab ID. This means you can set up different service types per center.
  • AccuSL: The ability to display notes on the sign-in screen. The notes are added via an XML file that the user can update.
  • Session Log: Added the ability to filter by Lab ID.
  • Period Selection drop-down: Added the "Last 7 days" and "Last 7*24 hours" options. These are useful when generating reports.
  • Plus other enhancements.

NOTE: For a detailed explanation of version 12 features including screenshots, see the "What's New" document that is included with version 12.


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